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Our Donors

Are Amazing

The Community Kitchen is funded by donations from local charitable foundations, civic organizations, churches, and caring individuals. Contributions to the Kitchen are tax-deductible.


Each year the Community Kitchen submits grant applications to several funding organizations, including the United Way of Monongalia and Preston Counties, Empty Bowls of Monongalia County, the Perry Posey Emergency Food Fund, the Truist West Virginia Foundation, the Hazel Ruby McQuain Charitable Trust, the John Matthew Gay Brown Family Foundation, the George Hott Memorial Foundation, the Weldon Family Foundation, Your Community Foundation, the Milan Puskar Foundation, The Women's Giving Circle of North Central West Virginia, the Nieman Memorial Foundation, and prior to its closing the Charles R. Nailler Foundation.


The Morgantown community donates venison, beef, and vegetables grown in their gardens to the Kitchen.


Emily Nieman Memorials

 A number of donations were made in memory of Emily Nieman. Her son, Jeff, is a long-time volunteer at the Kitchen. The donations have been earmarked for Kitchen supplies and utensils.  Most recently we purchased a sorely needed a commercial soup warmer, in time for soul-warming food on cold winter days.


Truist Bank

Truist Bank has been a strong supporter of the Community Kitchen and this year we received a $6,000 check from them.


Fairmont Federal Credit Union Donates Their Age

Kitchen Board Members and Credit Union Employees pose with a donation that reflects their 85 years of service to the Fairmont and now Morgantown communities.

And Then The Stove Dies...

With a bungee cord holding on one oven door and a pilot light that would go out mid-service, the heart of the Community Kitchen finally gave out.


Through contacts and assistance from Your Community Foundation, the Milan Puskar Foundation, and the United Way of Monongalia and Preston Counties potential donors were identified. Phillip Shuman, Louis and Mabel Tanner Community Fund at YCF, and Apex Physical Therapy donated necessary funds to enable us to purchase a new 10 burner, double oven commercial stove.


We are ready for another 40 years of service!


300 lbs of Venison

Each year Rick Bebout loads his truck and makes a much-needed delivery to the Community Kitchen.

Here he is dropping off 300lbs of venison from the Morgantown Urban Deer Hunt. Bow hunters participating in the Hunt have been generous in sharing their meat with the Community Kitchen.

Little Caesar's Pizza

Local franchise owner John White shows some love for the Community Kitchen with 70+ hot, freshly made pizzas for lunch, delivered in a really big truck.

Contact Us

P.O. Box 922

Morgantown, WV 26507

Phone: 681-209-5465






Connect with us

Call or email to help us pick up supplies, prep food, serve, or clean.


Registered Charity EIN Number :  55-0622813


© 2021 by Community Kitchen, Inc. 

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